11877 - Advanced Topics in Multimodal Machine Learning
11877 - Advanced Topics in Multimodal Machine Learning
Course webpage for CMU course 11-877, Advanced Topics in Multimodal Machine Learning, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024
Local Testing
Use the following command to run the repo on the local machine:
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl '/adv-mmml-course'
Hosted Website
Spring 2024: https://cmu-multicomp-lab.github.io/adv-mmml-course/spring2024/
Spring 2023: https://cmu-multicomp-lab.github.io/adv-mmml-course/spring2023/
Spring 2022: https://cmu-multicomp-lab.github.io/adv-mmml-course/spring2022/